A new public works operations centre will be constructed to replace the existing building. The new facility will include an administration building along with fleet maintenance and transit storage bays. The back of the facility will provide working bays for various departments including Roads, Utilities, Parks and Building Maintenance. The building is designed to accommodate current and future staff and equipment needs with options for expansion. In addition to the building, a storm water management facility will be constructed to manage the water runoff.
City-owned land just below the Cold Lake Museums and adjacent to the Motocross track on 69 Avenue.
The current facility has outlived its life expectancy and is too small to accommodate current and future operational functions and equipment. The proposed location is centrally located to Cold Lake North and South and lies at the cross roads of future arterial road way system.
Approved Budget: $32,183,000
Funding source:
2025 ID349/Surplus/CCBF - $1,950,000This project will benefit the community by providing the City of Cold Lake with the ability to maintain and increase the current service levels. The central location will decrease response times to work orders around the city.
This project is aligned with the strategic plan as it will allow for additional room for the staff and equipment needed to maintain the high level of service currently provided to the community.
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