The City of Cold Lake's Marketing & Communications department informs the public and the organization about the City's activities, programs, policies and initiatives. The department provides strategic communications and marketing support and services to all City departments and works to ensure timely, transparent and proactive communication both internally and between the City and our residents. Marketing & Communications also manages the City’s public image through a variety of media, including this website, multiple social media feeds, publications, print and broadcast media. An inventory of promotional items and requests for corporate donations are also managed through the department.
Phone: 780-594-4494
Hours of operation: Weekdays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (after hours as required).
All interview and information requests should be emailed to Include the name of the media outlet and reporter, story subject matter and any relevant deadlines. We will do our best to accommodate interview requests as availability and resources allow. See the news feed for the City's most recent news releases.
The City of Cold Lake corporate logo and logos of all City-owned and operated organizations (Energy Centre, FCSS/Family Connections, Golf & Winter Club, Fire-Rescue, Municipal Enforcement) are protected under Canadian copyright law and may not be used, copied, distributed, reproduced, published or altered in any way without the express written permission of the City of Cold Lake. Organizations that wish to use a City-owned logo on any printed or electronic material must submit a Logo Usage Request. Requests will be considered on a case by case basis by the Marketing & Communications department. Organizations granted the one-time use of a City logo must agree to and follow the terms of use specified in the logo request form.
The City operates several social media feeds to maintain a dialogue with our residents and share important news and events.
Facebook - Our most widely-followed social media feed and your source for the latest on City programming, news and announcements.
Twitter - Stay informed with real-time updates, news releases and the latest episodes of our City podcast.
Instagram - A lighter look at what's happening around the city.
YouTube - City Council meeting livestreams, informational videos and event/concert announcements.
LinkedIn - Looking for a job? Follow us to see the latest career opportunities and job postings.
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