See the tables below for the plans, reports and studies adopted by Cold Lake City Council, or material presented to the public during open houses or other public consultations. The material found here falls under five broad categories:
Title | Date | Description | |
December 2024 | Schick Shiner and Associates have been engaged by the City of Cold Lake to assess the needs of the arts
and culture community of Cold Lake Alberta and to prepare a report with the findings and to make |
December 2022 | Cold Lake City Council voted in favour of starting the legislated process of creating a Municipally Controlled Corporation that will operate a Medical Clinic in the community. Please note that a Public Hearing for the proposed Municipally Controlled Corporation has been rescheduled from February to January 24, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. | |
Economic Development Strategy | March 2019 | The City of Cold Lake's Economic Development Strategy was spearheaded by the Cold Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee. The plan was commissioned in 2018, and prepared by McSweeney and Associates after several rounds of public consultations, including open houses, public surveys, as well as targeted interviews and focus groups. This plan is intended to provide council with a broad framework to assist with making plans and developing priorities for economic development in the City of Cold Lake. It is also intended to be used as a resource by the local and regional business community. | |
Cemetery Master Plan | August 2017 | Prepared by LEES+Associates after consulting with the City's administration and the public, this document provides a vision for the future development of the municipally owned cemeteries in the City of Cold Lake. It provides a plan for the services and management of the cemeteries. | |
Cold Lake Health Assessment | May 2017 | This study was commissioned by the City of Cold Lake, the M.D. of Bonnyville and the Town of Bonnyville to evaluate the effects of further water withdrawals on the water level of Cold Lake, and to evaluate the effects of changes in the water level on lake health. | |
City of Cold Lake Business Plan | 2015 | This business plan provides residents with Council's vision for the community over the next five years. It also provides a plan for achieving the vision. | |
Remuneration Review | 2013 | A council-appointed committee was established to review the compensation package for elected officials in the City of Cold Lake, and to propose any needed changes. In its work, the committee compared the existing compensation package to those offered by other municipalities. |
Title | Date | Description | |
Intermunicipal Trails Master Plan | October 2023 | The Intermunicipal Trails Master Plan is a collaborative effort of the M.D. of Bonnyville and the City of Cold Lake to guide improvements to the connectivity and quality of the region’s trails and trail experiences for residents and visitors. These efforts are intended to function as a foundation and as a catalyst for the administrations to achieve their respective quality of life, community, environmental, and economic goals. | |
Aquatics Centre Concept Design Report | October 2022 | This report covers the concept design of the Cold Lake Aquatics facility attached to the Energy Centre. | |
Cold Lake Bike Skills Park and Trails Master Plan | July 2018 | This plan provides a vision for a trail system and a skills park for bike riders around Radar Hill. The amenities are designed for riders of all skill levels. | |
July 2014 | Drafted after several rounds of public consultation that included the input of specific user groups, the public at large and elected officials, the master plan creates a vision to guide investment in one of Cold Lake's premier public amenities. | ||
Open Space and Linkages Plan | November 2013 | This provides an action plan to direct the development of future open space and linkages via paths and trails in both a fiscally and environmentally sustainable manner. The plan also assists with determining the needs and priorities related to parks and greenspace. | |
Marina Master Plan | February 2013 | The Marina Master Plan outlines three options for expanding the marina, while also improving operations and revitalizing the waterfront business area. | |
Energy Centre Master Plan | November 2012 | The Energy Centre Master Plan provides general guidance for the phased expansion of amenities at Cold Lake's multi-purpose sports facility. | |
Imperial Park Master Plan | December 2009 | This Master Plan provides guidelines for the development of the 120-hectare park, which is located in the heart of the City of Cold Lake. |
Title | Date | Description | |
DRAFT: Offsite Levy Review | Ongoing |
This is currently in draft and under review. Comments can be provided to Azam Khan, General Manager of Infrastructure Services at |
Water Master Plan Update | November 2020 | Conducted in 2019 and approved by City Council in 2020, this plan reviews the water systems needs and existing infrastructure to guide future maintenance and development. | |
Lakeshore Drive Design Concepts | May 2019 | Lakeshore Drive is in need of an overhaul of both the roadway and the underground infrastructure. These design concepts seek to marry that work with a new linear parkway and retaining wall. | |
September 2018 | This study examines the wet weather flow rates of the City's sanitary sewer system to determine if storm water is infiltrating the system. The study is used to maximize the capability of the City's sanitary sewer system and increase the system's efficiency while maximizing treatment capacity. | ||
December 2015 | With the twinning of Highway 28 complete from the north to 54 Avenue, this plan seeks to extend the twinning to the City's southern limits. It identifies the land footprint and the intersection upgrades required to make this stretch of Highway 28 a major corridor. | ||
June 2014 | This plan provides the City with a guide to develop an effective and efficient storm water system. | ||
Transportation Study | February 2012 | This study provides a comprehensive, long-range plan that integrates a transportation system with the land uses and projected growth over the years. | |
Cold Lake Regional Airport Business Plan | August 2011 | The CEN5 business plan provides a vision for the future services and amenities at the Lakeland's designated regional airport. | |
Cold Lake Regional Wastewater Treatment Feasibility Study | June 2011 | This report details a nutrient control strategy for municipal effluent discharging into the Beaver River. |
Title | Date | Description | |
Municipal Development Plan | May 2021 | The Municipal Development Plan is the principal planning document for the City. It is a forward-looking document that articulates the community's vision, goals and policies that will guide Cold Lake's physical, social and economic development to accommodate a projected population of 40,000 by 2070. | |
Cold Lake Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) | December 2023 |
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a coordinated and cooperative policy document to address future growth and development-related matters of joint interest between the municipalities. An IDP is mandatory under the Provincial Municipal Government Act. The current IDP was adopted by the City of Cold Lake and the M.D. of Bonnyville in April 2023. The current IDP was adopted to reflect the change in the City’s jurisdictional boundaries as a result of the City’s 2019 annexation as well as to identify new growth opportunities for both the City and M.D. |
Area Structure Plans
The following area structure plans are in effect in Cold Lake: |
Area Structure Plans (ASP) provide the framework for all subdivision and development within a specific area. ASPs provide detail and rationalizations for planning concepts, including information on the natural landscape, resource extraction, existing and proposed land uses, adjacent land uses, historical and cultural resources, storm water management, public open spaces, transportation and access, municipal services, community services and development sequence. | ||
City of Cold Lake approved outline plans: |
Outline Plans will be referenced in the review of applications for Subdivision, Rezoning or Development within the plan area. An Outline Plan may also be referenced in the review of applications for Subdivision, Rezoning or Development in areas adjacent to the plan area to ensure land use compatibility |
In accordance with Section 638.2 of the Municipal Government Act, the following Bylaws, Policies, Plans and Standards may be referenced in the review of applications made to the Planning and Development Department under Part 17 of the Act.
Title | Date | Description | |
Community Needs Assessment: Final Report | January 2012 | This strength-based needs assessment, conducted in 2012, focused on the community's current strengths and past successes to find avenues through which to pursue the community's goals. | |
Community Needs Assessment: Expanded Report | January 2012 | This strength-based needs assessment, conducted in 2012, focused on the community's current strengths and past successes to find avenues through which to pursue the community's goals. | |
Imagine Cold Lake: Summit Report | December 2012 | Prepared in 2012, this summit report documents a meeting of elected officials, community and business leaders, community development professionals, social service workers and volunteers who met to discuss taking steps toward achieving goal identified in the above community needs assessment. |
Title | Date | Description | |
Coming soon. |
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