The current Mayor and City Council were elected in October 2021, and will serve a four-year term.

See upcoming Council meetings and agendas
- Regular City Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
- Regular meetings of the Corporate Priorities Committee of Council are held on the third Tuesday of each month (with a summer recess during July and August) at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
- All City Council and Corporate Priorities Committee meetings are open to the public, and video is livestreamed on the City of Cold Lake YouTube channel.
- To see historical Council meeting agendas and minutes (before Jan. 1, 2021) click here.
- Read the Land Acknowledgement.
Strategic priorities
Council outlines its top five priorities to provide clear direction to administration and to manage resources. This list is revisited periodically. Council's top five strategic priorities are:
- Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Resolution
- Homeless/Vulnerable Population Forum/Terms of Reference
- Community Safety Programs
- Medical Clinic/Services Options
- Aquatic Facility: Feasibility Study
Other priorities identified by council are: Public Works Operations Centre: Funding; Lakeshore Drive Implementation; Social Inclusion Policy Review; Arts and Culture Needs Assessment; Highway 28; Taxi Bylaw Review; Cold Lake Regional Airport - Expansion Options; Municipal Census; Safe Community Forum.
Speaking at a Council meeting
Community members can appear before council as a formal delegation or ask a question as an individual during public question period at each council meeting.
Members of the public who intend to bring a formal delegation before council must submit a Delegation Application. Examples of delegations include:
- A presentation to council,
- Submitting a request for funding or action,
- Updating council on a special project or program.
Delegation Restrictions:
- Maximum of 15 minutes for presentation, not including any questions from council.
- Handouts must be included ahead of time with the delegation application, including a hard copy of any electronic presentations.
- PowerPoint or other electronic presentations must be provided to council at least 24 hours in advance.
- Maximum of two speakers per delegation.
Delegations will not be heard:
- If the matter being discussed is before the courts or in camera,
- If council has authorized legal action,
- Regarding official community plans or zoning amendment bylaws that have already been to public hearing.
Ensure your delegation presentation is successful:
- Be consistent and clear in your message.
- Be patient and respectful of the process and the time allotted.
- Be prepared to answer questions from Council.
- Be prepared not to receive an answer immediately. Council may request further information or need more time to deliberate.
- Clearly indicate the date and time you require support.
- Ask about next steps.
- Once a decision has been made, you will be contacted by the City.
Public Question Period
Public Question Period provides the public access to council to obtain information regarding the business of the City of Cold Lake. Members of the public who ask a question are required to provide their name and address, so they can be recorded into the meeting minutes, along with the question posed to council.
- Public question period is held at all Regular Council Meetings (second and fourth Tuesday of each month).
- Council allows up to 20 minutes, if required, for the entire question period.
- The public question period begins shortly after the adoption of the minutes; usually just after 6:00 pm.
How to make the most of Public Question Period:
- Speakers are required to ask a question, not to make a speech or statement.
- Speakers will be ruled "out of order" if asking about a matter currently before the courts or in camera.
- Speakers may not ask about a bylaw from a closed public hearing.
- Speakers may not seek secretive or personal information.
- Council reserves the right to defer any or all questions to City administration in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response.
Requesting use of the Community Flag Pole
The City has installed a fourth flag pole in front of City Hall for use by community groups, charities and non-profit organizations. These groups may apply to display the flag of their organization or cause for a limited amount of time. All requests will be considered by the Chief Administrative Officer. To request use of the Community Flag Pole, complete the Community Flag Pole Request form.
Requesting a Proclamation
A proclamation is a ceremonial document signed by the chief elected official (usually the Mayor) on behalf of City Council and the citizens of Cold Lake to commemorate a specific time period used to raise awareness of local causes and efforts. Traditionally, proclamations are read aloud at the end of council meetings. To request the issuance of a public proclamation, complete the Request for Proclamation form.