Subdivision is the process by which land is legally divided into smaller parcels. If you would like to subdivide a parcel of land, submit your subdivision application to the Planning & Development department. To see a list of common fees, please check the Planning and Development Fees page or view the full bylaw on the Bylaws and Policies page.
Subdivision applications are reviewed by the Planning & Development Department and the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) is authorized to make subdivision decisions on behalf of the City. The MPC is mandated by the Municipal Government Act to make decisions within 60 days of receipt of the application. Normally, subdivision decisions are made in a shorter period of 4-7 weeks following the process below.
Subdivision Application
Approval Extension - Subdivision
Subdivision process | Shortest timeframe | Notes | |
1. Pre-consult | NA | It is recommended that applicants meet with planning staff to determine the feasibility of their subdivision proposal, to make the process less complicated. Applicants should be aware of the servicing requirements and land use requirements for their proposals. | |
2. Application | NA | ||
3. Referrals | 3 weeks | Applications are reviewed by the Planning & Development Department to ensure compliance with the Municipal Development Plan, applicable Area Structure Plan and the Land Use Bylaw. The applications are also referred to internal departments and external government agencies and utility companies, and sent to adjacent landowners for comment. | |
4. MPC meeting | 1-4 weeks | A report and presentation is made to the MPC on the application, along with a recommendation from the Planning & Development Department for the MPC to approve or refuse the application. | |
Total time | 4-7 weeks | This is an estimated time line and can take longer depending on the complexity of the application. | |
Appeal period | 2 weeks | The two-week appeal process begins the day of the decision by the MPC. Only the applicant and government agencies are able to make an appeal to the SDAB on a subdivision decision. | |
Endorsement | Dependent on submission of applicable fees and documents by the applicant. It usually takes the City 1-3 weeks to process. Please note that endorsements may not be granted until conditions of subdivision approval requiring a development agreement or rezoning are fulfilled. |
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