Funding confirmed for Safe Haven baby box
Cold Lake, AB – Council has set aside money in the form of a seed grant in the amount of $25,000 for the development of a baby box program at Covenant Health’s Bonnyville Health Centre. A baby box is typically a safe and secure location for parents in crisis to confidentially surrender their infants to healthcare professionals.
“The idea of creating a Safe Haven box in the Lakeland has been in discussion for some time now,” said Mayor Craig Copeland. “There is a lot of support for the idea, but the logistics of making it happen are still up to the organization.”
The funding be held in restricted surplus until confirmation is received from the Covenant Health Bonnyville Health Centre that the program is launching.
Council to allow up to five applications for Demolition Grant in 2025
Cold Lake, AB – Money has been set aside for five applications to the Residential Demolition Grant Policy, which allows developers to apply for up to $10,000 in grant funding to assist with demolishing and removing buildings that are in disrepair and unsuitable for habitation. This will allow for the property to see the possibility of a new structure built in its place, offering more variety in available homes.
For more information on building incentives, visit
Grant funding requests total $22,500
Cold Lake, AB – Three community organizations were approved for grant funding under the Community Recreation, Art, Culture, and Heritage Investment (CRACH) Grant, including: Age Friendly Cold Lake Society for $20,000; Cold Lake Music Festival Association for $1,500; and Grand Centre Lions Club for $1,000.
A request by the Canadian Adaptive Snowsports - Alberta Association is being deferred to a future meeting so the organization can present their request to the Community Grant Advisory Committee, which is part of the grant application process.
The two grant applications from Kryla Ukrainian Dance Club and Lakeland Multicultural Association were denied for not meeting the grant criteria.
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