September 16, 2019
For immediate release
Cold Lake, AB – The City of Cold Lake will be opening two locations for recycling drop-off, as part of the city’s commitment to a cost-effective recycling program.
These locations will have large bins to accept cardboard, mixed paper, plastics, aluminum cans, and tins. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the drop-off locations will be located at the Energy Centre and 4811 50 Street, which is the old Grand Centre Hotel site.
“This is an exciting venture for the City of Cold Lake, as we branch out into a more convenient recycling process for the community,” said Mayor Craig Copeland. “These sites are meant to give residents a convenient place to drop off of recyclable items, in addition to regular curbside recycling.”
As part of the enhanced service levels for recycling in the community, construction is underway at the Cold Lake Transfer Station for a new Materials Recycling Facility. It will become the central location for all city recycling, where it will be further sorted and bailed, providing a cost-effective recycling program for residents. There is no expected change in the biweekly schedule for residential recycling pick-up.
Previously, the city had contracted recycling processing services with the Cold Lake Recycling Centre, but the agreement was scheduled to close at the end of September. Though the Cold Lake Recycling Centre is expected to remain in operation, this gave the city an opportunity to pursue a more cost-effective option for recycling processing.
For more information, or to view the current recycling pick-up schedule, visit
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September 16, 2019
For immediate release
City enhancing recycling program
Cold Lake, AB – The City of Cold Lake will be opening two locations for recycling drop-off, as part of the city’s commitment to a cost-effective recycling program.
These locations will have large bins to accept cardboard, mixed paper, plastics, aluminum cans, and tins. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the drop-off locations will be located at the Energy Centre and 4811 50 Street, which is the old Grand Centre Hotel site.
“This is an exciting venture for the City of Cold Lake, as we branch out into a more convenient recycling process for the community,” said Mayor Craig Copeland. “These sites are meant to give residents a convenient place to drop off of recyclable items, in addition to regular curbside recycling.”
As part of the enhanced service levels for recycling in the community, construction is underway at the Cold Lake Transfer Station for a new Materials Recycling Facility. It will become the central location for all city recycling, where it will be further sorted and bailed, providing a cost-effective recycling program for residents. There is no expected change in the biweekly schedule for residential recycling pick-up.
Previously, the city had contracted recycling processing services with the Cold Lake Recycling Centre, but the agreement was scheduled to close at the end of September. Though the Cold Lake Recycling Centre is expected to remain in operation, this gave the city an opportunity to pursue a more cost-effective option for recycling processing.
For more information, or to view the current recycling pick-up schedule, visit
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