Volunteers are an integral part of our community. If you are interested in volunteering, a searchable database of local volunteer opportunities can be found at VolunteerConnector Cold Lake, or check out more information below.
If you would like to be contacted about upcoming volunteer opportunities, please complete our Volunteer Application & Profile form.
Keep up to date with the latest volunteer opportunities and news by subscribing to our free Volunteer Newsletter. The newsletter is published five times a year and available in electronic and paper versions. To subscribe, contact Volunteer Services at fcss@coldlake.com or pick up a copy at Cold Lake and District FCSS. Volunteer opportunities are also printed in the local newspaper.
Are you a youth in need of volunteer hours for school credit or scholarship applications? We can match youth, 12 years and older, with volunteer opportunities that best suit your needs and interests. Pick up your youth volunteer application at the Cold Lake and District FCSS office, or request a digital copy by emailing fcss@coldlake.com
When an emergency or disaster happens, our community rises to the challenge. However, only trained and registered volunteers are able to work alongside Emergency Social Services (ESS) staff. We regularly recruit volunteers, who are then trained by the Alberta Emergency Management Agency to respond to local emergencies and disasters.
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