Have you ever spotted a "Snow Angels" sign in a neighbour's yard and wondered what it meant? The Snow Angels program aims to encourage neighbours to help one another and thereby build a caring and engaged community. Residents in need of snow removal have Snow Angel signs placed in their yards.
The program relies on the good will of neighbourhood volunteers: youth, seniors, families, community groups, and corporate volunteers who shovel snow for residents needing assistance with snow removal.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact the FCSS offices at 780-594-4495.
Residents who need assistance removing snow are eligible for this program. Placement of a Snow Angel sign on a yard is not a guarantee that snow will be removed. The program runs from mid-October to mid-April, with signs distributed and picked up by FCSS staff.
If you require assistance with snow removal, please contact Cold Lake and District FCSS beginning Oct. 1 at fcss@coldlake.com or call 780-594-4495.
Has someone been an Angel and helped you shovel? Say thanks by nominating them as a Snow Angel with the City of Cold Lake. By nominating your volunteer, they will receive a token of appreciation and certificate signed by the mayor. Please complete a nomination form (PDF).
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