Family life can be challenging and demanding in today’s society. Fortunately, no one needs to face these demands alone. With the support and encouragement of other parents and trained facilitators, parents can discover practical, useful resources on parenting and family life to become their best in their relationship with their children. Participating in one of the various family-oriented parenting and skills development programs being offered at FCSS, parents and caregivers will experience new levels of awareness, have access to innovative ways to manage life demands that will contribute to enhancing the well-being of every member in the family unit.
Active Parenting Canada Series |
This program provides parents with the knowledge and skills to help their children survive and thrive in our fast-paced changing world.
Character Development Program |
The FCSS Character Education Program uses the principles and strategies of The Virtues Project™ to support and enhance the moral education of children, families, and organizations through workshops, seminars, partnerships and individual sessions. |
The Parenting Workshop Series |
These two-hour sessions present new topics where parents and caregivers come together to discuss and explore possible solutions to common parenting questions. Some of the most recent conversations we have hosted were about:
The Benefits of an Asset-Building Approach to Parenting |
According to the Search Institute, "the asset-building framework reminds parents of the 'bottom line' in their child rearing." Rather than focusing on getting ahead or avoiding problems, the assets help parents see that their primary role lies in raising caring, competent, and responsible young people. An example of an activity which could build parent and child relationships in each of the categories is a Family Bucket List. This activity can be done individually or together as a family as a form of goal setting. Depending on everyone’s interest level, it can be a one-time thing or it can easily become a seasonal activity. |
Building a Caring Culture in Cold Lake |
FCSS has developed a community character project and each month students in the schools will learn and explore different virtues based on The Virtues Project. Students will continue to enhance their learning as they develop their character as individuals and as a unit; positively enhancing the state of the family and the community. |
Personal Growth and Development Workshops |
It is important to realize that there is no single measure for success when it comes to personal growth. Everyone has different goals, is at a different place in life, and will find that success stems from different sources. These workshops are offered with the aim of providing people the resources they need to achieve personal success. Some discussions we have hosted are:
If there is a topic of particular interest to you as a parent, chances are that it is important to others too! Please don’t hesitate to suggest or inquire about other topics you would like to discuss or have an opportunity to learn more about. Contact us at 780-594-4495 or
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