Cold Lake Fire-Rescue serves the City of Cold Lake and Cold Lake First Nations, along with a large portion of the Municipal District of Bonnyville, Elizabeth Metis Settlement and part of the Rural Municipality of Beaver River, Saskatchewan. Made up of four full-time personnel and 65 paid on-call firefighters, the department covers 2,500 square kilometers and responds to over 350 calls for service annually.
The department operates out of two fire stations, Downtown District (headquarters) and Lake District.
Meet the Chiefs |
Cold Lake Fire-Rescue is led by Fire Chief and Manager of Protective Services Jeff Fallow, and Deputy Chiefs Norm Hollis (Inspections), Hugh McKay (Operations) and Kelly Sweeney (Infrastructure).
Fireworks |
Recreational fireworks are prohibited in the City of Cold Lake. As mandated in the Community Standards Bylaw, no person shall purchase, possess, handle, discharge or "set off" fireworks within the City limits without a permit signed by the Fire Chief. For events like Canada Day and Aqua Days, fireworks permits will only be issued to professional pyrotechnicians accredited by Natural Resources Canada in accordance with the Alberta Fire Code. To report an individual or business illegally selling or setting off fireworks within the City of Cold Lake, call Municipal Enforcement at 780-594-1345. If there is an immediate danger to safety or property, call 911. |
Fire pits and barbecues |
Clean, dry, untreated wood or charcoal may be burned in outdoor fire pits and barbecues for the purposes of cooking, warmth and viewing pleasure. All recreational fires must:
Additional information on fire pits and barbecues can be found in the Community Standards Bylaw. |
Fire bans |
The Fire Chief may declare a complete ban on all burning within the City of Cold Lake. No person shall build, ignite or allow any kind of fire when a complete ban on burning has been declared and is in effect. The declaration of a fire ban will be based on several considerations including:
Province-wide fire bans do not apply to individual municipalities, therefore fire bans declared by the Government of Alberta do not necessarily apply to the City of Cold Lake. Up-to-date province-wide fire bans are posted on the Alberta Fire Bans website. |
Tours and presentations |
We are proud of the work we do and we love to share it with the community. Tours of the Downtown District Fire Station are accommodated upon request from school or community groups, as resources allow. We also provide fire prevention and safety presentations to school groups. To request a safety presentation or fire station tour, call 780-594-4494 ext. 8032. Please note, tours and safety presentations are subject to postponement or cancellation depending on operational requirements. |
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