Due to the age, material and deterioration of the underground infrastructure and road surface, the proposed project scope will include the replacement of the water and sanitary mains, service connections to property line, sidewalk rehabilitation and road replacement.
16 Avenue (6 Street to city limit).
Project completed in October of 2022
Project completed in October of 2022
The City of Cold Lake assesses the condition of community infrastructure through various means:
Using these monitoring techniques, funding for this area was recommended for the following reasons:
Based on the assessment and information provided, Council allocated funding for the replacement of the underground utilities and road surface in this area.
Approved budget: $1,300,000
Funding source: 2022 ID349
The proposed work will reduce the risk of infrastructure failure such as main breaks or leaks and ensure that there is a reliable water, wastewater and road network in place for this area and the surrounding areas that connect to this piece of the network.
The replacement of the road surface and underground infrastructure in this area aligns with the City’s Asset Management Policy. The City has an established monitoring system of assets that ensures that risks, approved levels of service, condition and inventory are considered by Council to be able to make informed design and programming decisions and allocate funding based on the assessment provided by Administration.
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