The City of Cold Lake will upsize the storm line from 675mm to 750mm and 750mm to 825mm along 11 Street from 8 Avenue to 12 Avenue. The storm pipe upgrade will help manage storm water volumes during wet weather events. In conjunction with the storm sewer upgrade, the City will also be replacing the water and sanitary mains. Due to the extent of the underground work, 11 Street roadway surface will be completely reconstructed.
11 Street (8-12 Avenue)
The City identified sections of its buried storm water network on 11 Street requiring upgrade. The existing 675 mm and 750 mm diameter storm mains along 11 Street from 8 Avenue to 12 Avenue are undersized and cannot manage storm water flows during wet weather events. The City also intends to replace the other deep utilities (water and sanitary sewer) due to their age. Due to the extent of excavation required to replace deep utilities and services to property lines, the road and sidewalks will also be reconstructed.
Approved Budget: $3,490,000
Funding source:
2021 Unrestricted Surplus - $200,000
2022 ID349 - $854,200
2022 Canada Community-Building Fund - $895,800
2022 Unrestricted Surplus - $1,488,647
The risk of flooding during wet weather events will be decreased when the storm line is upgraded. Likewise, the aging sanitary sewer and water pipes will be replaced. The road and sidewalk will be completely rebuilt, which will help to restore the deteriorating road and sidewalk network.
The replacement of the road surfaces and underground infrastructure in this area aligns with the City’s Asset Management Policy. The City has an established monitoring system of assets that ensures that risks, approved levels of service, condition and inventory are considered by Council to be able to make informed design and programming decisions and allocate funding based on the assessment provided by Administration.
What is the 11 Street Underground Infrastructure Improvement and Road Rehabilitation project? |
This project will consist of replacement of all of the underground utilities (water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer) from 8 Avenue to 12 Avenue. The water main will be upsized from a 150mm diameter pipe to a 200mm and the storm pipe will also be upsized from a 750mm to a 900mm diameter. Due to the extents of the underground work the entire road surface and sidewalks will be replaced. ATCO Gas will also be relocating and lowering their gas line on 11 Street from 8 Avenue to 11 Avenue. |
When does construction start? End? How long will it take to complete the project? |
Construction is tentatively planned to start mid- to late-June 2022, and scheduled to be completed by the end of September. |
How will traffic be managed while construction is taking place? |
Road closures will be in place during construction. Due to the extent of work, the work area will be split into 3 zones. The zones that are not under construction at any given time will be open for public use. The Marina Ridge Condos will have a temporary access installed to connect the east parking lot to the back alley to the south. |
Where do I park if my driveway access is blocked? |
Residents are requested to park on a side street or within the zones that are not under construction. Notification and signage will be placed prior to closing the road and during the shifting of work zones. |
Will I have walking access to my house? |
Yes, pedestrian traffic will be routed around the work zone and access will be provided to all residents. Residents are requested to not enter the work zone. |
Since the City is paying for this project, will my taxes go up? |
No, this project is already approved in the 2022 capital budget and will not result in a further tax increase. A large portion of this project is funded through ID349 funding and the Canada Community Building Fund Grant. |
Why was this project selected? |
City of Cold Lake Council approved this project based on recommendations from administration, as the road analytic software modeled the road surface as very poor. The Drainage Master Plan also recommends upgrades to the storm sewer system to increase the capacity of the line. |
What do I do with my waste, organics and recycling during the project? |
Residents affected by the work shall put out their waste, organics, and recycling to their curb or as near as possible on their normal collection day. The contractor will ensure that waste, organics, and recycling is moved to the project limits for collection by City staff. Residents should ensure that their address is clearly marked on the designated area on the cart. |
Will I lose services (water, sewer, gas and electric) during the project? |
There will be temporary water shutdowns (up to 12 hours) required for project start up. Temporary water connections will be provided to all residents through an above ground connection and the contractor will be responsible for managing the sewer flows. The billing of services will be based on the historical water usage since move-in date. |
Will dust control be provided during the project? |
Yes. The contractor will maintain the temporary road to keep the dust down. |
When will my property (driveway, yard) be restored? |
Landscaping will be restored near the end of the project to the same or better condition as the start of the project. Driveways will be restored as the road and sidewalk surfaces are restored. |
Will there be noise associated with the work? |
Yes. There will be noise created from the required construction equipment. The construction equipment is permitted to work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday and holidays if required. |
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